What is the Funding source (address of who to bill to)
Current Medicaid Card and/or any other Insurance Card
Any history information
Any Medical records
Current Medication Scripts for all medications with refills for at least 2 months
Individuals Middle Name
State Ward Verification - (School letter-must have CPS signature *date must be the date the individual actually comes into services)
Birth Certificate and Social Security Card if available
Current IEP
Any court orders of restraining or protection orders currently in place and any other court orders
Finalized Guardianship papers
Current amount of SSI (if applicable)
Name/address of who is payee
Name/address of who is the responsible party for Room and Board
Information on any outstanding debt(s) owed and to who
** ALL of these items will need to be in Envisions possession prior to coming into services. If not, the individual will not be allowed to start services**
We offer Assisted Day Services, Job Placement/Coaching, Assisted Residential Services, Supported Residential Services, Work Stations in Industry and much more!